Design advisory board

In 2018, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer set up a design advisory board. As an independent body of experts, it supports the council and administration as well as private developers and architects in improving the urban design quality of significant building projects. The precise tasks and working methods are set out in the rules of procedure of the Kevelaer Pilgrimage City Design Advisory Board.

The Design Advisory Board consists of 5 permanent members. Additional experts can be called in if required. Furthermore, one representative from each parliamentary group and the chairperson of the Committee for Urban Development and Economic Development participate without voting rights. Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler and Head of Department Dave Welling also participate from the administration without voting rights.

In the current second advisory board period, there has been a partial change of advisory board members in accordance with the articles of association. Landscape architecture is now also a permanently represented discipline alongside architecture and urban planning.

You are cordially invited to attend meetings at which public projects are discussed. Information about the dates of public meetings is published in the press and on the city's website. You can access the agendas and minutes here.


Prof. Franz Pesch

Dr.-Ing. (Urban and Regional Planning)

Association of German Architects(BDA)

NRW Chamber of Architects(AKNW)

Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects(AKBW)

Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning(SRL)

German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning(DASL)

Wohnbund Baden-Württemberg

Deputy Chairman

Eckehard Wienstroer

Dipl.-Ing. Architect and Town Planner BDA AIV  

Association of German Architects(BDA)

Association of Architects and Engineers(AIV)

NRW Chamber of Architects(AKNW)


Volker Findt

Dipl.-Ing. Architect

Association of German Master Builders Architects and Engineers(BDB)

NRW Chamber of Architects(AKNW)


Hiltrud M. Lintel

Dipl.-Ing. Landscape architect AKNW

NRW Chamber of Architects(AKNW)

German Society for Garden Art and

Landscape Culture e.V.(DGGL)


Friederike Proff

Dipl.-Ing. Architect BDB

Association of German Master Builders, Architects and Engineers(BDB)

NRW Chamber of Architects(AKNW)

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