Statutory areas

In addition to the development plan, which is issued as a statute, there are other statutes that govern urban development.

Inner area statutes

In areas where there is no development plan, the distinction between inner and outer areas is decisive for the possibilities of development. The municipality can define the boundary between inner and outer areas with an inner area statute in accordance with Section 34 ( 4) BauGB. In Wetten and Twisteden, this has been done to demarcate the villages from the open countryside.

Outdoor area statutes

An outdoor area bylaw in accordance with Section 35 ( 6) BauGB can be issued for areas that are already significantly characterized by residential development but are shown as agricultural land in the land use plan. An outdoor area bylaw does not create direct building rights, as the development plan does. However, it excludes a number of reasons that would otherwise prevent development.

Redevelopment statutes

A redevelopment statute defines an area in which there are urban development deficiencies that are to be counteracted in a targeted manner. In the inner city area, a redevelopment statute has been issued in accordance with Section 142 ( 4) BauGB.

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