City center renewal 2016-2027

Overview plan of the partial construction measures

The city center of Kevelaer has been undergoing extensive redesign since 2016. The basis for the redesign measures is the integrated action plan for Kevelaer town center from 2015, which is a prerequisite for funding with urban development funds. Since the approval of the overall measure, concepts have been drawn up and conversion measures are gradually being planned and implemented. The projects that have already been completed include Hauptstraße and Mechelner Platz as well as Kapellenplatz and Johannes-Stalenus-Platz.

Peter-Plümpe-Platz and the surrounding streets have been undergoing renovation since October 2023. Private individuals can benefit from state funding via the courtyard and façade program and the disposal fund. A newsletter reports on current developments and events. Anyone interested can be added to the e-mail distribution list. Please contact the person responsible.

You can find more information on the town center renewal here:

Completed construction measures


Renovation work on Peter-Plümpe-Platz


Outstanding construction measures

Playable MoveArt object on Mecheln Square, Museum Association

Funding opportunities for private individuals


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