Outstanding construction measures

A significant part of the construction work for the city center renewal has already been completed or is currently underway. However, when Peter-Plümpe-Platz is completed in 2025, two measures will still be outstanding: The redesign of Luxemburger Platz and making a direct pedestrian connection between the city center and the St. Jakob brine garden more attractive. The planning process for the connection to the Solegarten began in January 2024.

  • Connection to the brine garden

    The planning office Vennemann from Dorsten has been commissioned to plan the connection to the Solegarten. The main aim is to make Twistedener Straße more attractive as a pedestrian link. Whether the traffic area can be significantly reduced in order to create more space for pedestrians and cyclists will require a traffic study to establish a one-way street.

    On April 24, 2024, the preliminary design plans were presented to the public in the Konzert- und Bühnenhaus. The demand was made to retain the parking facilities.

    Current condition of Twistedener Straße
  • Luxemburger Platz

    Luxemburger Platz was originally planned and redesigned together with Kapellenplatz and Johannes-Stalenus-Platz. However, initial preliminary considerations led to the conclusion that a financially viable redesign with preservation of the existing trees was not possible. A decision therefore still needs to be made on whether to continue with the planning.

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