The playable MoveArt object from the Museumsverein, supported by the Verfügungsfonds

Funding opportunities for private individuals

Citizens should also be involved in the process of urban renewal and have the opportunity to take advantage of financial support. The following options are available:

  • Courtyard and façade program

    The courtyard and façade program supports owners of houses in a defined inner city area with the renovation of street-side façades and roofs as well as with greening and unsealing measures in courtyard areas. The rules according to which financial support can be awarded are set out in the relevant funding guidelines. This also specifies the boundaries of the inner city area to which the funding program applies. The flyer on the program provides initial information.

  • Disposal fund

    The disposal fund can be used to provide financial support for private initiatives to make the city center more attractive. As a rule, half of the costs can be covered by the funding.

  • Tax deductibility of refurbishment measures

    A redevelopment statute has been issued for the area of urban core renewal. On the basis of these redevelopment statutes, an increased deduction for modernization and repair measures can be claimed in accordance with Sections 7h, 10f and 11a of the Income Tax Act (EStG). For this purpose, a modernization agreement must be concluded between the property owner and the city before the measure is carried out. In addition to the redevelopment statutes, this is based on the corresponding certification guidelines issued by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance in 2019.

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