Redesign of Peter-Plümpe-Platz

The largest part of the city center renewal project is currently underway at Peter-Plümpe-Platz. Construction work began in the fall of 2023 after a lengthy planning phase with a preliminary planning competition. The redesign will divide the square in two. Towards Annastrasse, a recreational area will be created with a new green space with a relaxation area and water feature, catering and play areas. The area facing Marktstrasse will be designed as a multifunctional square that can be used as a parking lot but is also suitable for larger events. The parking lot area will be lined with trees and equipped with fast-charging stations for electric vehicles. Pilgrim and tourist buses will no longer have an arrival point here. Instead, an alternative will be set up elsewhere. The planning has taken into account that the weekly market and the annual funfair can also take place on Peter-Plümpe-Platz in the future.

General plan of Peter-Plümpe-Platz

The picture gallery will be added to as construction progresses.

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