Noise action plan of the
Pilgrimage town of Kevelaer
What is a noise action plan?
A noise action plan (LAP for short) is a sustainable and long-term concept for reducing noise pollution. The aim is to prevent, avoid or reduce harmful effects, including annoyance, caused by environmental noise.
According to Sections 47 a-f of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), noise action plans must be drawn up and regularly reviewed by cities and municipalities.
What is environmental noise?
Environmental noise is noise emanating from the surroundings, such as road traffic, rail traffic and aircraft noise. It does not include commercial noise, neighborhood noise, noise at the workplace or noise from activities within the home.
Which areas are considered in the LAP in Kevelaer?
Major roads with a traffic volume of over 3 million vehicles per year, major railway lines with a traffic volume of over 30,000 trains per year, major airports with over 50,000 take-offs and landings per year are taken into account.
In Kevelaer, this concerns the A 57 highway, the B 9 federal highway and the L 491 state road (Rheinstraße from the junction with the B 9 to Kevelaerer Straße in Winnekendonk). Noise from rail traffic and air traffic does not have to be dealt with in the Kevelaer noise action plan, as the traffic volume figures are not exceeded.
What is the current status of the proceedings?
The LAP for the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer was drawn up in 2013 and reviewed for the first time in 2018. It was reviewed and revised again during the second review round in 2023. The review of the noise action plan was discussed in the Committee for Climate, Environment and Building Management on 01.02.2024 and adopted by the Council on 22.02.2024. The result of the second review of the noise action plan became legally effective with the public announcement of the council resolution on 08.04.2024.
In accordance with Section 47c BImSchG, the report was submitted to the North Rhine-Westphalia State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) on August 13, 2024.