Employment agency

If you are receiving citizen's allowance or will soon be dependent on it due to unemployment, the question often arises as to who can support you in your job search.

The job placement/case management department offers comprehensive assistance in finding new employment. Your previous work experience and qualifications are taken into account. Suitable jobs can be arranged through numerous contacts with employers. In addition, various measures are available to promote and integrate you into the labour market.

Requirements for support services
Active employment promotion services can only be used if the benefits department has officially established your entitlement to citizen's allowance beforehand.

If you have any questions about job placement or need individual advice, please contact the responsible case manager. They will be happy to help you take the next step towards new employment.

Area of responsibilityClerkemailPhone number
Department management & "under 25s" area
Mr. Sternthorsten.stern@kevelaer.de02832 122-108
Over 50s" segment
Mrs. Valentaannette.valenta@kevelaer.de02832 122-323
A - Hn
Mr. Dittner
02832 122-327
Ho - Ö
Mrs. Kraftfrederike.kraft@kevelaer.de02832 122-124
P - Z
Mr. Walterfangmarcel.walterfang@kevelaer.de02832 122-321

The Job Center's employment agency in the Old Town Hall is only open by appointment.

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