Educational services

Educational services

Some parents just need advice about worries and problems with their children. However, sometimes the situation in the family is such that parents no longer know what to do. There can be various reasons for this, such as raising children, feelings of being overwhelmed, a separation or a divorce. In these situations, families, children and young people can turn to the youth welfare office.

There is a "General Social Service" (ASD) in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. At the ASD, parents can receive free and comprehensive advice from qualified educational specialists.

The educational specialists provide support and help in resolving conflicts and crises, advise on parenting problems, on coping with everyday problems, on questions and applications regarding impairments (in the case of mentally disabled children and young people) and on family law issues. They provide information about possible support options and further assistance. It is important to take into account the wishes and concerns of those involved. The cooperation of families, parents, children and young people is important both in the search for suitable help and in the implementation of the help.

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