School enrollment and compulsory education

According to the school law of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, all children from the age of 6 and all young people who live, train or work in North Rhine-Westphalia are required to attend school.

In special cases, children who are not yet required to attend school can be enrolled early and children who are required to attend school can be deferred for one year.

After leaving a general school, all young people are required to attend vocational school until they reach the age of majority or all trainees until the end of the existing training contract.

When does a child start school?

Compulsory schooling begins on August 1 of the same calendar year for children who reach the age of six by September 30(Section 35 of the NRW School Act).

Date of birth of the child

Enrollment for the school year

01.10.2018 until 30.09.2019
01.10.2019 until 30.09.2020
01.10.2020 until 30.09.2021

Younger children who are deemed fit for school by their parents can be enrolled early upon application. The application can be submitted to the nearest elementary school or any other elementary school.

How is information provided about the child's compulsory schooling?

The school administration office informs the legal guardians of children who are due to start school in good time in writing about enrolments at elementary school.

Letters are currently being sent out for the 2025/2026 school year. The letter will list the nearest elementary school and the registration dates.

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