Canteen at the school center

Since 2012, the canteen at the school center has been providing around 700 pupils from the two secondary schools in Kevelaer with a varied lunch every day. The canteen also supplies the OGS of the St. Antonius elementary school in Kevelaer.

The tenant of the canteen has been the SOS Children's Village Niederrhein since the beginning and has also successfully run a training kitchen at the Kevelaer site. Here, up to 40 young adults with special needs are trained or retrained in the areas of cooking and housekeeping. Every day, the young adults prepare fresh meals from regional products under professional guidance. The students can choose between two menus and select side dishes from the pasta, salad and dessert counters.

The school canteen has been certified organic by GfRS since November 2023: DE-Öko 039. Beef, rice and pasta are all organic.

For information on the current meal prices, the procedure and any other questions, please contact the canteen office in the Mittagstreff Kevelaer or call 02832 974885.

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