Blood donations

Every day in Germany, countless blood donations are needed to treat and save people. Without the numerous voluntary blood donors, this need could not be met. Blood donation continues to thrive on voluntary work. It is not only the donors who come voluntarily to give their blood at one of the local events. The organization and implementation of the blood donation events would also be unthinkable without the commitment of the numerous volunteers.

Donate blood at the German Red Cross

In the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer, blood donations are organized and carried out by the German Red Cross. Here, too, volunteers are involved in organizing the appointments and caring for the donors. They are available as contact persons and promote blood donation in their local area in order to attract as many people as possible to this social act. Our gratitude goes to all those who join, enrich and support this community and dedicate some of their free time to it.

The blood donation itself only takes a few minutes. However, with the recording of donor data, registration, the medical examination and the recovery phase after the donation, a period of around one hour must be expected. A good general state of health is a prerequisite for donating blood. Any healthy adult over the age of 18 can donate blood several times a year. First-time donors should not be older than 68 years. At least 56 days must have passed between two blood donations.

Blood donor ceremonies

Blood donors are honored for their charitable commitment depending on the number of blood donations. Blood donors are honored for donating blood 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 times, etc. blood donations. The awards are organized by the DRK Kreisverband Kleve. For the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer, the ceremonies are usually held once a year in the Kevelaer public meeting place. The honors are presented by the mayor.

Blood donors are very special people, because they assume responsibility in society by donating blood. Our very special thanks go to them - day after day.

Volunteer contact persons

VillageNameContact us
Kevelaer and bettingAndrea
WinnekendonkHermann Jacobs0157 36113559

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