Committed to Kevelaer

"Engagiert in Kevelaer" is a joint project of the Caritas Association Geldern-Kevelaer and the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. The aim is to promote and coordinate civic engagement in an innovative way. In addition to the existing and successfully established association structures, a digital mediation platform is now also being offered: The volunteering app Nyby.

The offer is aimed at committed people who would like to offer their knowledge and time to help others with everyday tasks, for example accompanying someone to a doctor's appointment, helping to set up a new smartphone or lending a hand with furniture assembly. Everyone can help as and when it suits them, remain flexible and do not have to commit themselves. Individual short-term assignments or individual projects are also possible as part of the new volunteering project. The hub of the project is the Nyby app, which is used to organize help from person to person and is intended to appeal to younger people in particular and encourage them to volunteer.

How does the Nyby volunteering app work?

There are people looking for help within institutions who have a task to do and there are volunteer groups offering their help. The requests are entered into the app via volunteer coordinators in the institutions and associations or via Caritas. Volunteers can directly access the available tasks in various categories and anyone who has time can take on the task. The help can therefore be provided quite flexibly, as no one is tied to specific days or time quotas.

Compared to social networks or neighborhood platforms, Nyby offers more security for those seeking help and those involved, as all the people involved are known. This is because there is a competent team behind the app. This ensures that suitable, qualified helpers take action and that only serious requests for help are posted.

How can I become a member of the Nyby community?

The app is now available free of charge to interested associations, charities and other actors in urban society. Project manager Fabienne Schmitz from Caritas informs potential partners in personal meetings about the specific opportunities to recruit new volunteers with the Nyby app.

At the same time, institutions and facilities are now being sought to post search requests as well as helpers offering their assistance. Anyone who would like to take part can download the Nyby app from their respective app store and register for the "Engagiert in Kevelaer" group. The project coordinator will then contact you and accompany you through the process of joining the circle of helpers. After a short time, you will be able to see the requests on your cell phone and respond to them as you see fit.

Where can I get more information?

Would you like to become part of the Nyby community or receive more information? Then contact the project manager Fabienne Schmitz on 0173 5130767 or


The project partners Caritas & the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer are confident that "supply and demand" will build up in equal measure and that the app will be continuously filled with life. This will create an additional building block for the excellent volunteer work already established: 'Engagiert in Kevelaer'.

You can find more information about volunteering in Kevelaer here.

These institutions are already part of "Engagiert in Kevelaer":

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