Refugee aid

Together with various associations and institutions, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer is committed to the humane accommodation, care and integration of refugees. Due to the large wave of refugees in 2015 and ever new sources of conflict in the world, Kevelaer is a new home for many refugees or is set to become one.

Runder Tisch Flüchtlinge e.V.

A central pillar of integration work in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer is the Verein zur Unterstützung und zur Förderung der Integration von Flüchtlingen in Kevelaer e.V. - Runder Tisch Flüchtlinge for short. It offers a wide range of activities for and with refugees. For example, from Monday to Thursday at fixed times, volunteers accompany the intercultural meetings in the communication corner in the public meeting place. Open meetings for women and children, language courses and general advice are also offered. If you would like to find out more about the work of the Round Table or become a member of the association, please follow the link below to the association's homepage. Here you will find dates for current events or contact addresses if you would like to become actively involved. Another very informative publication is the series "Zusammen Leben in Kevelaer" (Living together in Kevelaer), which has already been published several times and reports with a lot of heart about the lives of fellow refugees, contains delicious recipes from the home countries of the new residents and describes the Round Table's activities and events with colorful pictures.


Welcome, cosmopolitan and close to the people - your donation helps!

Unfortunately, the crises in the world are not abating. Terror and the displacement of entire ethnic groups mean that people from Africa and the Middle East in particular are leaving their homeland to seek protection in Europe. In Kevelaer, too, we take in these people and provide help. For many, Kevelaer will be a new home - sometimes only temporarily. Committed Kevelaer residents have joined forces in the Refugee Round Table and have already initiated and supported numerous integration projects. With your donation, you can support the work of the many volunteers and help to provide social and cultural support services for refugees in Kevelaer.

If you would like to support the refugee aid in Kevelaer financially, you can do so via the donation account of the "Round Table for Refugees Kevelaer" listed below:

Volksbank an der Niers

IBAN DE90 3206 1384 4321 6960 10


The purpose of the donation should always be: "Runder Tisch Flüchtlinge Kevelaer".

Many creative ideas for integration are brought to life with your donation.

General information on the possibility of donating clothes and goods can be found on the website of Runden Tisch Flüchtlinge e.V.

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