City map
360-degree tour - the virtual tour through Kevelaer
The 360-degree tour is a special experience for finding your way around the town. Take a virtual tour through the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. Stroll past the famous pilgrimage sites and find out about the city's sights. Stroll through the shopping streets and enter the nearby stores virtually to find out more about the local offers.
The virtual city tour offers extraordinary 360° panoramic views and gives you an interesting insight into the beautiful pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.
OpenStreetMap allows you to view and print a map of Kevelaer. OpenStreetMap collects data worldwide about streets, houses, rivers, forests and everything else that is commonly seen on maps. OpenStreetMap thrives on the commitment of voluntary project members and the participation of users. For example, every user can report errors in the map material if they notice any. In this way, OpenStreetMap can offer up-to-date data that anyone can use free of charge and process as they wish. As the maps are regularly updated and expanded, they are already more detailed in some areas than the maps of other providers.
GeoPortal Lower Rhine
You can find extensive city maps on the GeoPortal Niederrhein. This is a service of the districts of Kleve, Viersen and Wesel and their associated municipalities as well as the city of Krefeld, which is provided by the Kommunales Rechenzentrum Niederrhein (KRZN).
In addition to various map backgrounds, such as topographical maps or property maps, detailed aerial images are also stored there. You can search for important buildings (POI), addresses and parcels of land in the map material of the GeoPortal Niederrhein. The selected map sections can be saved or sent as a link.
Of course, you can also use other providers, such as Google Maps. Route calculations are also possible.