City center renewal

Citizens' dialog on the redesign and upgrading of Twistedener Strasse

Hauptstraße, Mechelner Platz, Kapellenplatz and currently Peter-Plümpe-Platz are measures that are being funded by the federal and state governments as part of the town center renewal. The aim of the next construction project is to create an attractive pedestrian link between the city center and the St. Jakob brine garden. Many residents and interested parties came to enter into a dialog with the administration.

The brief was to plan within the existing conditions and to focus on making the connection more attractive, including for cyclists. A planning office had taken on the planning. But even before the public information event, the political groups and those involved in the administration agreed: "It's not a small solution. Either we think big or we bury the measure," said Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler, explaining the initial situation at the welcome address. The reason for this is the various uses in the street and the narrowness of the planning area.

In dialog with citizens, they were able to express their fears and concerns as well as suggestions and ideas for the future of Twistedener Strasse. There was lively participation. The administration will now examine the contributions from the public and coordinate with politicians. If the politicians give the order to develop a larger solution, the planning can continue. The public should also be closely involved in the next steps.

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