Stadtverwaltungsgebäude der Stadtkevelaer

Citizens' information event

Information for citizens on the interim status of municipal heat planning in Kevelaer

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer is currently actively working on the creation of a municipal heating plan. The heat plan will develop a strategy for the long-termCO2-neutral heat supply of the municipality's area. The commissioned engineering firm HORIZONTE Group is carrying out the project as part of the funding project "KSI: Municipal heat planning for the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer". Sustainable heat supply is an important part of the energy transition, as more than 50 percent of final energy in Germany is used for heating. Among other things, the results of the inventory analysis and potential analyses will be presented at the information event.

Anyone interested in the topic of "municipal heat planning" is cordially invited to take part in the public information event. Registration is not required.

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