Stadtverwaltungsgebäude der Stadtkevelaer

Schools & Sports

Pool party on 18.08. in the outdoor pool

Numerous attractions are on the program for various age groups on this day of action: There will be huge water play equipment in the water, while on land there will be games and activities with the event agency's entertainment team. In the water, kids can climb, crawl, jump and shimmy on the 24-metre-long AquaTrack, while the "Poolevents" animators flip them up into the air as they jump to the other end.

The pool party organizers are also bringing a climbing mountain, a water running mat and a banana seesaw to Kevelaer. And there will also be a variety of games on land. The organizers of "Poolevents", the pool association and the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer are looking forward to an unforgettable day at the Kevelaer outdoor pool.

The event will take place in almost any weather (with the exception of severe storms). The regular admission prices apply.

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