City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Youth Center

Growth in the Kompass team

Ina Ambrogi has just completed her training as an educator with a grade of 1.0. She has been working as a volunteer at the "Wellenbrecher" youth center in Weetz since 2019 and also completed her year of recognition there.

Ina Ambrogi has already gained a lot of experience in open youth welfare and is looking forward to getting to know the children and young people at Kompass. She lives in Kevelaer herself and therefore knows the town well. She is a big chess fan, enjoys playing billiards and would soon like to offer a basketball workshop for the kids and young people at Kompass.

The Kevelaer Youth Center is aimed at 10 to 27-year-olds. The young team is always happy to welcome new faces. Children, teenagers and young adults are welcome to drop by during opening hours and get to know the team and Kompass.

These are the new opening hours of the Compass:

Monday - Friday: 16:00 to 21:00

Children aged 8 and over can stay at Kompass until 6.30 pm. Teenagers aged 14 and over can stay until 9.00 pm.

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