City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Public utilities

Wolfgang Toonen takes over from Hans-Josef Thönnissen

Hans-Josef Thönnissen will take his well-deserved retirement in mid-2024 after 34 years, 18 of which as operations manager. His successor Wolfgang Toonen, who has now been elected, began his training as an administrative assistant at the Kevelaer municipal administration on August 1, 1982. After successfully completing his training in June 1985, he was briefly employed as an administrative assistant in the city's building administration office.

From October 1985 to December 1986, Wolfgang Toonen interrupted his professional career for military service. After returning to the city administration on January 1, 1987, he continued his career in various departments. He initially worked in the city treasury, where he took on the position of enforcement officer from October 1987. From 1990 to 1992, he returned to the building administration department.

Wolfgang Toonen has been working for Stadtwerke Kevelaer since January 1, 1993. He started in the "Wastewater" department and took over as head of the "Service and Transport" department in 2009, where his main task is to handle the entire customer business for the drinking water supply, wastewater and electricity divisions and their billing. Since then, he has also been responsible for the acquisition of new playground equipment for the playgrounds in Kevelaer and in the villages. He looks after the volunteer-run community bus routes and is an expert in matters relating to water and soil associations, including the Niersverband. Wolfgang Toonen was involved in the founding of NiersEnergie GmbH and supports Stadtwerke Kevelaer's shareholdings in the grid companies and the wind turbines that have been built.

Since 2018, Mr. Toonen has held the deputy management position at Stadtwerke Kevelaer and was appointed authorized signatory of NiersEnergie GmbH 3 years ago.

During his time at the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer, Wolfgang Toonen has also steadily expanded his professional qualifications: in January 1992, he successfully completed the examination for administrative specialist (now: Administrative Course II) and in 2023 completed the modular qualification for professional development within career group 2 in accordance with § 25 LVO NRW - with which he is ideally qualified for his new tasks.

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and Stadtwerke Kevelaer congratulate Wolfgang Toonen on his new position and look forward to a good working relationship.

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