Stadtverwaltungsgebäude der Stadtkevelaer

Youth offers

Children's summer:
Kreis Kleve offers free discovery tours

Kleve district - The Kleve district is offering two new event formats for this year's "Children's Summer". The two "discovery tours" were launched in collaboration with Kevelaer Marketing. Two groups will go on a geocaching tour and two groups will experience the digital city game "The Ghost and the Maiden". All tours are free of charge for the kids and are each accompanied by a member of staff from Kevelaer Marketing. "These discovery tours are just right for slightly older children and for young people who like to be active and want to experience something new," says District Administrator Christoph Gerwers. Registration is now possible online.

Geocaching" discovery tour

Fancy a little adventure? Then register quickly for the "Geocaching" discovery tour ... You will need a GPS device or a GPS-enabled smartphone. The young explorers should also have a pen and paper with them. They can use this to make notes if necessary and write them down in the notebook when they find the cash. The two tours are offered for 20 explorers aged between 11 and 16. They will take place on Tuesday, July 9 and Monday, August 5, both starting at 2 pm. The tours start on the square in front of St. Antonius Church (Gelderner Straße) at the two advertising banners with the lion KLEO and the stork Jette. The tours last a good two hours.

Discovery tour "Digital city game"

In the digital city game "The ghost and the girl", kids can expect a varied tour with exciting puzzles and tasks about the city's history. All they need is a cell phone with Internet access to download the game in advance. For this offer too, the group of up to 20 children and young people aged 11 to 16 will be accompanied by a member of staff from Kevelaer Marketing. The tours take place on Monday, July 15 and Tuesday, August 6, from 2 to 5 pm. These activities also start on the square in front of St. Antonius Church (Gelderner Straße) at the two advertising banners with the lion KLEO and the stork Jette. They will end at the St. Jakob brine garden, where there will also be a small competition.

Registration and further information

The free places for the "Discovery Tours" of the district of Kleve can now be booked with Kevelaer Marketing, online in the ticket store at (menu item Events), at the Tourist Information in Kevelaer town hall or in the information building at the St. Jakob brine garden. The website also provides important tips on how to download the Digital City Game in advance.

A complete overview of all the activities at the "Children's Summer in the Kleve District" can be found online at\kinder-sommer.

Source: District of Kleve - The District Administrator - Office of the District Administrator / Press Office

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