City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Personnel report

Farewell to Bernd Pool

In 1976, Bernd Pool began his training as an administrative assistant at the Kevelaer municipal administration. After successfully completing his training, he was taken on and worked in several positions in the city administration, including the building promotion/housing benefit department, the social welfare office and the building administration office, demonstrating his versatility and good understanding of municipal issues.

Due to his professional and personal skills, he became head of the Kevelaer "Service Center" in 1996. Here he set new standards by providing citizens with a wide range of services in a competent and citizen-friendly manner at a central location. At the Service Center, he was also able to demonstrate his enthusiasm for culture and tourism, as these areas were also located here. Thanks to his good network in Kevelaer, he was able to deal with many matters via a short official channel. Some of the events that he helped to initiate have become firmly established in Kevelaer to this day.

Throughout his career, he has always been able to make his own mark, whereby the service concept for citizens and guests has always been an important concern for him. His close ties to the Kevelaerer Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft (WFG) since 1993 were a decisive factor in him taking over the management of the WFG following the departure of Ruth Keuken in March 2013. He managed it until its dissolution. When the tasks of the WFG were returned to the administration, he became deputy head of the Kevelaer Marketing staff unit. As part of the reorganization of Kevelaer Marketing, Bernd Pool took over the management of the current citizens' office, which also includes the registry office, in 2020.

His academic and professional training, including the completion of an administration diploma at the Düsseldorf Administration and Business Academy in 1990, illustrates his interest in professional development. Bernd Pool was appointed as a registrar in July 2020. A role in which he acted with great sensitivity and empathy. It is great that Bernd Pool will remain with the registry office as a registrar after his retirement and will continue to carry out this activity as a mini-job.

Bernd Pool will also remain involved with the pilgrimage town in many areas in an honorary capacity: He is still President of the St. Martin's Committee in Kevelaer and Chairman of the Kevelaer - Bury St. Edmunds Partnership Association. He is also heavily involved in the Kevelaerer Bürger-Schützen and is a member of the Rotary Club Kevelaer.

Bernd Pool has played a key role in shaping the development of Kevelaer's municipal administration. The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer would like to thank Bernd Pool for his many years of loyalty, his commitment and the passion with which he has worked for the interests of the town and its citizens. Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler thanks Bernd Pool for his many years of service to the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer: "He is leaving us as a valued employee with a wealth of experience. I wish him all the best, good health and many wonderful moments in his well-earned retirement."

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