Schools & Sports

Functional training in the brine garden

The SportBox has been located in the St. Jakob brine garden since August 2023 and offers interested people who like to train outdoors the opportunity to train with kettlebells, slam balls, skipping rope, battleropes and a jukebox.

The area around the SportBox has been extended since last week: Employees from the depot have installed rubber mats in the floor to make free outdoor training even more effective.

To make the SportBox a little better known and to show interested parties what training with the SportBox equipment can look like, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer is offering free functional training sessions on four dates. Athletics trainer Dirk Pempelforth from the Athletic Area will lead the training sessions.

Functional sport is a form of training that is relevant to everyday life and cross-sport. It improves coordination, endurance and mobility. Thanks to targeted movement sequences in functional training, participants strengthen their functional muscle chains and stabilize their joints at the same time. This trains the exact movement patterns that take the strain off the body in sport and everyday life. And they do this either with the weight of their own body or with the SportBox training equipment.

Interested parties can take part in functional training at the SportBox in the Solgegarten on the following dates:

Friday, 31.05.2024, 6.30 - 7.30 pm

Wednesday, 12.06.2024, 6.30 - 7.30 pm

Saturday, 22.06.2024, 11.00 - 12.00 a.m.

Wednesday, 10.07.2024, 6.30 - 7.30 pm        

12 participants can register for each course. Registration takes place via the NRW participation portal using the following button:


Important: Participants who have registered should also show up for training. If you are unable to make it at short notice, you should cancel your registration beforehand so that someone else can join you. Please wear sports clothing and bring water and a towel to the training session.

After consultation with the participants, photos will be taken on the dates for communication purposes.

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