City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Central services

Kevelaer town council with a new website

Quick access to start page

Five icons at the top of the homepage provide direct access to important pages such as the deficiency report, the council information system, the appointment booking system, job advertisements (careers) and the services of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.

New page structure

The content of the website has been restructured in a clear way and limited to essential information. Thanks to the new page navigation, you can click through the pages quickly and easily.

Improved search

The search function on the new website has been significantly improved. The search results are categorized and not only the website is searched, but also the council information system. This means that documents relating to council and committee meetings can also be found quickly.

Clear news page

The press releases of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer are now displayed even more clearly on the homepage. Contract awards and public announcements are also linked directly on the homepage.

Revision of the newsletter

The newsletter will also be revised in the coming weeks in order to offer a better reading experience for current topics from the town hall. For this reason, the newsletter will temporarily not be sent out for the next few weeks. It should be possible to register for the newsletter and various newsletter categories again in a few weeks. As soon as the registration page is online, the city administration will inform you via its communication channels.

Calendar of events

A separate municipal calendar of events has been dispensed with. Events and dates are published on the Kevelaer Marketing website. The calendar of events is linked via the tile component at the bottom of the homepage.

In addition, the website is now much more responsive - meaning that the site is also easy to navigate on a cell phone. Website visitors should remember to accept the requested cookies in the cookie banner on their first visit. Otherwise, some functions such as embedded videos or external tools such as Readspeaker or translators may not be displayed. "The website is continuously maintained and updated by us. We are very grateful for tips, suggestions and ideas for improvement from the public!" says Lena Brey, Press and Public Relations at the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.


The websites of the city administration and the municipal utilities had to be relaunched because the previous system was no longer technically supported. Following a public tender, the decision was made in favor of the "ionas" content management system (CMS) from Chamaeleon. "With ionas, creating, editing and maintaining our website is much more intuitive and faster. As an editor, you work directly on the website using the "what you see is what you get" method. You can design the page using drag & drop and various page components," says Jonas Hoffmanns, digitalization officer at the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer, about working with the new system. Together with Lena Brey, he managed the project for the new website. The project team also included Hannah Roßmann for the municipal utilities, Benjamin Berrisch for technology and IT and Beate Sibben as head of the city administration's Central Services department.

The project team was supported by an editorial team made up of employees from the individual departments.

No employees found.

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