Once the data has been updated, the brochure will be distributed to all Kevelaerer families, children and young people and is available online on our homepage. The Kevelaerer Bürgerstiftung 'Seid einig' provides the financial means.
The brochure provides an overview of the current leisure activities in Kevelaer and the villages.
The following can take part:
- All clubs & (municipal) institutions that provide child and youth work in Kevelaer and the localities
- All those who are already included in the first edition of the brochure, please confirm or update the data
- All associations that have been newly founded or have merged
- Anyone who is not yet in the brochure but would like to be included
Only those associations & (municipal) institutions that report data via the participation portal can be included in the brochure.
We need your help to ensure that only current data appears in the brochure. Simply click on the link below. Please enter all the required data there and accept the data protection information (adapted for online queries).
The deadline for entries is November 30, 2024.