City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Security and order

New Bürgerplatz - No parking lot

The renovation of Peter-Plümpe-Platz is now well advanced, so that there are now sufficient parking spaces available again (between the town hall and Volksbank). In the meantime, parking was also tolerated on the new Bürgerplatz in the area of Peter-Plümpe-Platz/Annastraße. However, the Bürgerplatz is not intended as a parking area. It is to be used much more as a place to linger and relax. In the near future, tables and benches will be installed to further enhance the quality of the space.

The Bürgerplatz is located in a traffic-calmed area. Parking is only permitted in areas marked for parking. These areas are not available on the Bürgerplatz. The signage (blue rectangular sign with children playing) is located at the junction of Hauptstraße/Annastraße and at Peter-Plümpe-Platz No. 15 (medical supply store). The traffic-calmed area is therefore well and sufficiently signposted and recognizable as such.

For this reason, parking on the Bürgerplatz (where the weekly market takes place) will no longer be tolerated with immediate effect and a warning will be issued for a fee.

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