As part of the construction progress on Peter-Plümpe-Platz, the traffic routing in the Busmannstraße area will be temporarily changed. In future, Busmannstraße will have a slightly different course with a slight deviation in order to create space for the new wedding garden in front of the Old Town Hall.
It is now necessary to fully close the section along Peter-Plümpe-Platz to vehicle traffic for the road construction work. This will create a temporary dead end for vehicles from Annastrasse in the direction of Markstrasse to the corner of the "Mutter und Kind" store. There is no turning possibility there.
This changed traffic routing will be implemented from Monday, 10.02.2025 and is expected to remain in place until 30.09.2025.
A pedestrian connection in front of the "Mutter und Kind" store to the town hall and pedestrian access to the entrances at Busmannstrasse 62, 64 and 68 will be maintained.