City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer


Girls' Day and Boys' Day offers on April 3, 2025 also in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer

This year, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer would also like to give pupils from the 8th grade onwards the opportunity to get to know the diversity of administrative areas free of gender stereotypes and role models and to discover them according to their own interests and abilities.

Background to Girls'Day and Boys'Day

Girls' Day and Boys' Day is a nationwide day of action to promote girls or boys in professions in which women or men are currently underrepresented - i.e. their share is less than 40 percent. For example, the skilled trades and IT sectors are often still male-dominated, whereas in contrast, women are predominantly employed in areas such as services and education.

Offers at the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer

On this year's Girls' Day and Boys' Day, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer offers pupils from the 8th grade onwards the opportunity to "get a taste" of certain areas of administration.

On Boys' Day, for example, you can explore the administrative area as well as the tourism sector, and on Girls' Day you can look over the shoulders of employees in the depot, the swimming pool area or the concert and stage house (event technology).

If you have any questions about Girls' and Boys' Day, please contact the Equal Opportunities Officer Christiane Peulen (Tel. 02832 122-567, e-mail: or Theresa Langenhoff from HR Management (Tel. 02832 122-326, e-mail:

Interested pupils from Year 8 onwards can register via an online platform, the so-called Girls'Day Radar or Boys'Day Radar. These provide an overview of the available places and areas and can be accessed via the respective link(,

Young people who do not feel that they belong to their biological gender or do not identify with any gender can also register individually for the Girls'Day and Boys'Day offers of the Kevelaer city administration on the above-mentioned platform.

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