City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Climate protection

Kick-off event for the climate adaptation concept

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer cordially invites all citizens to the kick-off event for the urban climate adaptation concept. The event will take place on February 13, 2025 at 5 p.m. in the forum of the public meeting place, Bury-St. Edmunds-Straße 7.

Since November 2024, the city administration has been working with the consulting firm Drees & Sommer on a forward-looking climate adaptation strategy. The concept pursues two central goals: firstly, to make the city more resilient to extreme weather conditions and, secondly, to systematically integrate climate aspects into urban decision-making processes - from construction projects to urban greening.

Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler will open the event, followed by experts from Drees & Sommer, who will provide detailed insights into the necessity and implementation of the climate adaptation concept. Both the challenges of climate change and specific solutions for Kevelaer will be presented.

A special highlight of the event is the interactive part from 6:30 p.m.: here, participants are invited to contribute their ideas and experiences to the concept development. "The expertise and local knowledge of our citizens are crucial for a successful climate adaptation concept," emphasizes Climate Adaptation Manager Leon Schlüter.

The kick-off event is the start of a series of workshops that will follow in the coming months. These will be held with various stakeholders from the city in order to develop a concept that is as comprehensive and practical as possible. Invitations to the workshops will be announced in good time.

Event details at a glance:
Date: February 13, 2025
Time: 17:00 - approx. 19:00
Location: Öffentliche Begegnungsstätte (OG), Bury-St. Edmunds-Straße 7, 47623 Kevelaer
Registration: not required
Admission: free of charge

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