City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Volunteer fire department

Inauguration of the new fire station in Twisteden

The official opening of the new fire station in Twisteden took place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Around 110 guests, including members of the fire department, the town council, the town administration and employees of the companies involved in the construction, came to celebrate the event.

The event began with a welcome address by Twisteden's mayor Paul Schaffers, who emphasized the importance of the new building for the safety and protection of the village. In his speech, Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler emphasized the outstanding importance of the fire department for the community and thanked everyone involved for their commitment and support during the construction project. He symbolically presented a large key to the head of the fire brigade, Georg Metzelaers, thus officially handing over the new fire station to the fire department.

Training room

The head of the fire department spoke about the modern features of the new equipment building and the associated benefits for the operational readiness of the fire department. He then handed over the key to the head of the Twisteden fire brigade unit, Matthias Kaenders, who was delighted with the new and modern facilities for his fire brigade unit and thanked all those present and in particular those involved in the completion of the fire station. Fire department chaplain and deacon Berthold Steeger and pastor Karin Dembek blessed the new building and prayed that the firefighters would always return safe and sound from their duties.

Changing room

In his speech, district fire chief Reiner Gilles praised the excellent cooperation and the investment in the safety of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and the village of Twisteden in particular.

After the official ceremony, all guests were invited to take a tour of the new premises to gain a first impression of the modern facilities. The new fire station was toasted with a small snack and drinks.

After 60 years, the previous fire station had not only become too small, but was also outdated for safety reasons. The new fire station is an important step for the future of the fire department in Kevelaer and to ensure the safety of its citizens.

The most important details of the new fire station at a glance:

  • Radio room, office/training and social area in 2-storey solid construction
  • Vehicle hall with warehouse and workshop, 4 vehicle parking spaces, one of which can be driven through.
  • Social/changing and hygiene rooms for at least 50 emergency personnel
  • Training/education and meeting room for up to 70 people with ventilation system
  • Plot size approx. 2,600 sqm

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