In the period from 14.07.2025 to 18.07.2025, the offer is aimed at children from the 1st and 2nd school year daily from 9:00 to 16:00 and then in the week from 21.07.2025 to 25.07.2025 at children from the 3rd and 4th school year.
The parental contribution is €30.00, siblings pay half price. The offer is only aimed at children who are not enrolled in the open all-day program at elementary school, as there is a separate vacation program for them.
A wide range of program items such as a casino, treasure hunt, city game, chaos game, water Olympics, trip to Irrland or various working groups (sports, baking, film, handicrafts) are once again prepared by an experienced team of supervisors and promise a varied vacation time.
Registrations are possible in the period from 17.03.2025 to 25.03.2025. Please send an e-mail to: stating your child's name, address, school, class and date of birth.
If there are more than 60 children per group, the age of the children is decisive and not the order of registration.
Participants will then receive confirmation, further information and the registration form by e-mail.
If parents cannot be reached by e-mail or have any questions, please contact us using the contact details below (Mittagstreff/Kompass, Mon. to Fri., 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.).