City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Kompass Youth Center

Easter holiday program at the Kompass youth center

During the Easter vacations, the municipal youth center Kompass offers great activities for children and young people in Kevelaer. The activities are aimed at two age groups: Children aged 8 to 13 and teenagers aged 14 and over. Three of the activities take place in cooperation with the youth leader of the Protestant parish in Kevelaer.

The program for the children:

  • Monday, 14.04.2025, 1 pm to 4:30 pm
    Baking and making Easter baskets at Kompass (with the youth leader from the Protestant parish)
  • Tuesday, 15.04.2025, 1 pm to 4 pm
    Bubble Ball at the Protestant church (Brunnenstraße 70 in Kevelaer)
  • Wednesday 16.04.2025, 1 pm to 4:30 pm
    Easter egg hunt and challenge day at Kompass

The program for young people:

  • Monday, 14.04.2025, 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm
    Challenge day at Kompass
  • Tuesday, 15.04.2025, 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
    Joint barbecue at Kompass
  • Wednesday, 16.04.2025, 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm
    Fifa tournament

The offers are free of charge and anyone interested can simply drop by.

Trip to the trampoline hall

On Thursday, 17.04.2025, there will be a joint excursion with the Protestant parish to the "You Jump" (trampoline hall) in Krefeld. Public transport will be used for the journey there and back (train & bus).

This excursion is aimed at children and young people aged 12 and over and registration is required. Registration forms are available from Kompass and the Protestant parish. Participants must pay a personal contribution of 15 euros. The number of participants is limited.

The starting point is the train station in Kevelaer at 12:30 pm. The end point is also at Kevelaer station at around 18:10.

Afterwards, the Kompass will be open to young people aged 14 and over from around 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

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