Local leaders
During the municipal reorganization in 1969, the town of Kevelaer and the municipalities of Kleinkevelaer, Twisteden, Wetten, Kervendonk, Kervenheim and Winnekendonk became one municipality. At the same time, the former municipalities of Kervenheim and Kervendonk were merged to form the village of Kervenheim. These villages form today's pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.
A local mayor is elected for each district for the duration of the council's term of office. According to the municipal code for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a local mayor has the task of representing the interests of their local district to the council. Local councillors are therefore the link between the local district and the city council. They are entitled and obliged at all times to take up requests, suggestions and complaints from their locality and pass them on to the council or the mayor. In the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer, the local councillors are also entrusted by the mayor with representative tasks (delivering birthday greetings, attending club celebrations and the like).