A manhole cover in the street

Site drainage

Site drainage

General information on site drainage

Property drainage covers everything that, as the name suggests, is produced on the property in terms of wastewater. From domestic wastewater to rainwater infiltration. If you have any questions on this topic, the staff at Stadtwerke will be happy to provide you with expert advice and lots of helpful information.

All pipes laid on the property must be maintained by the owner. They are referred to as house connections. If problems such as blockages or damage to the house connection occur, the owner must have these repaired.

The pipe from the property boundary to the main sewer in the street is part of the public wastewater system. It is referred to as the property connection. This is installed and maintained by the municipal utility company. Should problems such as blockages or damage occur, these will be repaired by the municipal utility company. Every new connection to the public sewage system and all changes to the existing system must be reported to the municipal utility company and approved by municipal utility company employees.

Drainage options

Wastewater can be drained in different ways depending on the location of the property. For most properties, a sewer connection via gravity pipes is used. Outlying properties without a direct sewer connection are drained either via drainless pits ("rolling sewer"), small sewage treatment plants or pumping stations. How the individual properties are drained always depends on the individual case.

For commercial and industrial operations, there is also the special form of indirect discharge. In this case, wastewater that can no longer be described as "normal" domestic wastewater in terms of its composition due to production processes or contamination is pre-cleaned using separation systems and only then discharged into the public wastewater system.

There are other options for rainwater. Depending on the area to be drained, it can be infiltrated in different ways or discharged into the public sewer or a body of water.

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