A manhole cover in the street

Waste water

House/property connection

All properties in the urban area have to be drained in one way or another. The normal case is a gravity sewer connection. Depending on whether it drains in a separate system or a combined system, the property receives a sewer connection for wastewater and rainwater or a single connection for combined wastewater (wastewater and rainwater together).

Sewage pressure pipes

There are other options for outdoor properties that cannot be connected to the normal sewer system. On the one hand, private sewage pumping stations can be installed. These collect the wastewater from the house and pump it via a pressure pipe to the nearest sewer.

Drainless pits / small sewage treatment plants

On the other hand, drainless pits or small sewage treatment plants can be installed. In the case of drainless pits, the wastewater is collected and transported to the sewage treatment plant by a company commissioned by Stadtwerke Kevelaer.

Agricultural use of domestic wastewater is not permitted!

In small wastewater treatment plants, the wastewater is collected and biologically treated on site. The treated wastewater is then drained away or discharged into a nearby body of water. The sewage sludge must be disposed of at regular intervals, at least every two years, by a company commissioned by Stadtwerke Kevelaer. The intervals between removal can be extended to up to five years if this is proven by a maintenance contract.

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