Administration building of Stadtwerke Kevelaer



Declaration on the accessibility of the website - general information

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer aims to make its website accessible. They should be designed in such a way that they comply with the national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament, namely the Disability Equality Act (BGG NRW) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance NRW (BITV NRW). The following declaration on accessibility applies to the website and its subchapters as well as to independent websites under this domain (subdomains).

Status of compatibility with the BITV requirements

This website is partially compatible with the BITV and will be continuously improved in this respect.

Non-accessible content

  • In principle, accessible or low-barrier PDF documents are made available. It cannot be ruled out that some PDF documents may not be accessible. If you come across a non-accessible PDF document whose content is not also available at, please contact us. We will endeavor to make this content accessible to you. Please use the feedback form for this purpose.
  • Videos on are usually subtitled, unless they are provided by external providers. However, accessibility is only partially fulfilled because we only transcribe the spoken word for resource reasons.
  • Applications are occasionally integrated on and associated subdomains, which can be used to apply for municipal services electronically. For technical reasons, some functions of these applications are not always accessible. Non-accessible content currently includes in particular the completed PDFs or the PDFs generated as a result of entering information via a wizard.
  • It can happen that images and objects do not contain alternative texts, link texts are incomprehensible, abbreviations and technical terms are not labeled. In such cases, please contact us so that we can correct the error.

Help us to further improve the website with regard to accessibility and let us know if you find the following:

  • Content that is difficult to access,
  • Content that is not compatible with the requirements of the BITV.

Send us an e-mail to: or call us on: 02832 122-215 or use the contact form.

Arbitration board

If you report a violation, we will endeavor to respond satisfactorily within a reasonable period of time. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to call in an arbitration board in accordance with Section 10d of the Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz NRW (BGG NRW). This body will then work with you and us to determine the circumstances of the lack of accessibility so that we can rectify this to everyone's satisfaction.

Further information on the arbitration procedure and how to submit an application can be found at: or directly by e-mail at

The procedure is free of charge for all citizens and is possible without legal assistance. You can find out how the conciliation procedure works and how to submit an application on the conciliation body's website.

This declaration was created on 18.03.2024.

Help with accessibility

  • General

    We endeavor to make our websites accessible. You can find details on this in our accessibility statement. You can send us suggestions for improvement via our feedback form Report accessibility.

  • Font size

    To adjust the font size, please use the following key combinations:




  • Keyboard navigation

    Use TAB and SHIFT + TAB to navigate through next/previous links, form elements and buttons.

    Use ENTER to open links and interact with elements.