E-charging station at the Kardinal-von-Galen parking lot

E-charging stations

Driving an electric car is not only fast and environmentally friendly, it also sets an important example in terms of the energy transition and sustainability. We are convinced that mobility will be largely electric in the future. For this reason, Stadtwerke Kevelaer and its electricity subsidiary NiersEnergie have been systematically expanding the charging station network since 2015. This is because, in conjunction with renewable energies, electric vehicles actively contribute to a better CO2 balance in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.

  • 100% natural electricity from hydropower
  • for all standard type 2 charging plugs
  • 2 charging points per station
  • Max. power per charging point 22 kWh alternating current(AC)
  • Tariff: Working price 49 ct/kWh gross*
  • Free parking for electric vehicles (which are charged)
  • Charge and pay by app or card
  • Charging possible around the clock

*The gross prices include the statutory sales tax of currently 19%.

You can pay with an Ecotap charging card or alternatively with a credit card in conjunction with the Ecotap app on your smartphone. You can apply for the Ecotap charging card free of charge at: https://www.ecotap.nl/de/ Request a charging card: https://www.ecotap.nl/de/ladekarte-anforderen/

Information about the app Operation: https://www.ecotap.nl/de/laden-mit-ecotap-app/

Locations of the charging stations of Stadtwerke Kevelaer and NiersEnergie

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