Roads, paths and squares

Roads, paths and squares

All roads, paths and squares in the city area are maintained by the Kevelaer technical operations.
The main task of the civil engineering department is to carry out the municipal road construction obligations incumbent on the pilgrimage city of Kevelaer in accordance with § 9, § 9a, § 47 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Road and Paths Act.

In particular, this includes the planning, new construction and expansion as well as the renovation, maintenance and operation of

  • urban road traffic facilities, bicycle traffic facilities, service roads and their ancillary facilities
  • Paths and squares
  • public green spaces (excluding municipal parks)
  • of the roadside greenery

Road construction and maintenance

The technical operations maintain

  • approx. 125 km of urban roads
  • approx. 215 km of farm tracks
  • 217 Culverts
  • 37 bridges.

Regular checks are carried out on the condition of the road. Defects are repaired on an ongoing basis.

Furthermore, during its annual inspections, the service road commission determines which service roads are to be split and renovated.

Road construction heights

Before the final completion of a road, Technische Betriebe provides information on the final construction height. This allows the owners of adjacent properties to create their driveways at the appropriate height before the road is completed.

Property access roads

Existing property access roads are taken into account when planning roads. If it is subsequently necessary to relocate existing access roads or lower kerbs, this is possible after consultation with the technical services.

Excavation permits

For the laying of cables by utility companies, Technische Betriebe will issue a demolition permit on application.

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