Contribution system

  • Water connection fees

    These contributions are levied when a house is connected to the public water supply network. The amount is determined according to the size of the property and the contribution rates set out in the water connection contribution statutes.

  • Sewer connection fees / reimbursement of expenses for property connection

    The contributions are levied when a house is connected to the public sewage disposal network. The amount is determined by the size of the property and the contribution rates set out in the sewer connection contribution statutes.

  • Development contributions

    The contributions are levied when a road is constructed for the first time. The amount of the contributions is determined according to the apportionable costs and the area of the developed properties. The legal basis is the German Building Code in conjunction with the development contribution statutes.

  • Road expansion contributions

    The contributions are levied when a road is rebuilt, i.e. when a previously existing road is so worn that it needs to be renewed. The amount of the contributions is determined according to the apportionable costs and the area of the developed properties and a proportional rate based on the classification of the road. The legal basis here is the Municipal Charges Act in conjunction with the Road Improvement Contribution Statutes.

  • Cost reimbursement amounts

    The amounts are charged if replacement planting is required for the construction of a new road. The amount depends on the cost and the area of the developed properties. The legal basis here is the Building Code in conjunction with the cost reimbursement amount statutes.

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