Three light bulbs in front of a blue sky

Origin of electricity

Origin of electricity

NiersEnergie GmbH only purchases green electricity from hydropower plants. As a rule, the electricity is produced in hydropower plants in Scandinavian countries.

Our supplier guarantees that the exact amount of electricity we purchase is generated in hydroelectric power plants and then fed into the public grid. This eliminates nuclear and coal-fired power from the market.

Labeling of the electricity supply

Electricity labeling pursuant to Section 42 (1) to (8) EnWG 2011 in conjunction with §§ Sections 78and 79 EEG 2017

Energy sourceNiersEnergie GmbHGermany
Nuclear power%6,6 %
Coal%32,5 %
Natural gas%10,8 %
Other fossil fuels%1,2 %
Other renewable energies42,8 %8,2 %
Renewable energies, financed from the EEG levy57,2 %40,7 %
Circular diagram of the origin of electricity at NiersEnergie GmbH
Circular diagram showing the origin of electricity in Germany
Environmental impactNiersEnergie GmbHGermany
CO2 emissions0 g/kWh377 g/kWh
Radioactive waste0 g/kWh0.0002 g/kWh

Status: 07.08.2023 according to BDEW data collection

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