A glass is filled with drinking water

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about drinking water

  • How can I communicate or change my bank details?

    You can send us an informal letter or e-mail with your bank details. Please include your customer number. Or use our form for a Sepa core direct debit mandate.

  • How do I change the amount and/or due date of my advance payments?

    Please call us on 02832 / 9313-0 or send us a letter or e-mail(vertrieb@stadtwerke-kevelaer.de).

  • How much water does one person use on average per year?

    It is estimated that each person in a household consumes around 40 cubic meters per year.

  • I have sold my house / bought a house. What documents do you need?

    We require the following documents so that the final invoice can be carried out with the seller and the supply relationship can be entered into with the buyer:

    • Date of key handover
    • Meter reading on the day the keys are handed over
    • A copy of the first and last page of the notary contract (with reference to the property sold and the contracting parties as well as the signatures of both parties)
    • Alternatively: Copy of the handover protocol (with the signatures of both parties)
    • Name and address of both contracting parties (if these are not shown in the above-mentioned copies of the notarial contract)
  • I would like to install a garden meter. What do I have to do?

    Would you like to save on wastewater charges for water consumption in the garden? A so-called garden meter can help. You can obtain one from a DIY store and connect it yourself. You tell us the garden meter number, the installation status and the installation date. The garden meter is then read at the end of the year together with the main meter.

    By the way: The statutory calibration period of six years also applies to garden meters. Just as we replace your main meter every six years, you must replace your garden meter every six years.

  • My water connection is dripping!

    We need your address and telephone number, then one of our fitters will be happy to take a look at the problem - provided the leak is between the outside wall of the building and the meter. If the connection is only leaking behind the meter, please contact a plumbing specialist.

  • I need a copy of my annual invoice.

    We will be happy to send you a copy of your annual bill. All we need is your customer number or the address of the consumption point.

  • I am building a house. How do I get a water connection?

    We first need the "Application for drinking water supply" from you, which you can find in the forms section. As soon as the house pipes are installed in your new building, your plumber will fill out the "Application for commissioning a drinking water system" and our employees will install the water meter.

  • How can I report my meter reading for the annual bill?

    You can use the online service on our homepage for this purpose.

  • I have heard that you can also borrow a standpipe for filling the pool?

    With a standpipe, you can draw water directly from a hydrant. You can obtain these standpipes from us. No deposit is required when filling the pool, as the standpipe must be returned on the same day. You then only pay 1.25 euros net per cubic meter of water. However, your pool must hold at least 10 cubic meters of water to make the effort worthwhile for you.

    If your pool is smaller and you fill it with the garden hose, you can still save on waste water charges even without a garden meter. Simply send us photos of the main water meter before and after filling the pool. You can send the photos with your customer number by e-mail to vertrieb@stadtwerke-kevelaer.de

  • When should my water meter be changed and why?

    The statutory calibration regulations stipulate that water meters must be replaced every six years. This meter change is free of charge for you and is carried out during the year by our employees during business hours. You will be informed of the date for the meter change in writing in advance. Can't make it on the day? No problem! We will be happy to find a suitable date together.

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