Refill initiative also in Kevelaer:
Drinking water on the go
Stadtwerke Kevelaer is taking part in the Refill Germany initiative. From now on, free tap water will not only be available at the drinking water fountains on Kapellenplatz and in the Solegarten-St. Jakob, but also in the offices at the water tower.

There is an ever-growing network of refill stations in Germany. These are, for example, stores, surgeries, restaurants, meeting places and other publicly accessible locations where tap water is served free of charge. Stadtwerke Kevelaer expressly supports this commitment and has already installed two free drinking water dispensers. The best drinking water can be tapped at Kapellenplatz and in the St. Jakob brine garden during the frost-free months. However, we would like to do even more for the citizens and guests of the city. In future, it will also be possible to fill up your own drinking bottle with tap water or have it filled up free of charge at our water tower. During office hours (Mondays to Thursdays from 8:00 - 12:30 and from 14:00 - 16:00, Fridays only in the mornings) you can quench your thirst on the premises at Kroatenstraße 125.
Refill Germany's motto is: "Have a drinking bottle with you - Protect our environment - Drink enough water - Live healthy and save money!" These are also the core concerns of Stadtwerke Kevelaer: environmental protection, sustainability and the promotion of tap water as drinking water. For example, young children are given a reusable drinking bottle when they start school and schools in Kevelaer and the surrounding villages are gradually being equipped with drinking water dispensers. Filling your own reusable drinking bottle eliminates unnecessary plastic packaging. Switching to tap water not only saves a lot of money, but also packaging waste and a lot of CO2 emissions at the same time.

Over 7,000 stations
Originally launched in Hamburg in 2017, Refill Germany has developed into a nationwide movement with over 7,000 free refill options. The respective location can be entered on the website or via the smartphone app "Karte von morgen" and the available refill stations displayed. These are marked with a sticker on the door or window.
As a social movement, Refill is independent of companies and political parties. Instead, it relies on the commitment of many participants who identify their organization as a Refill Station. Stores or institutions interested in participating can register and sign up as a Refill Station via the website. In future, they will fill tap water into a clean, self-brought drinking vessel free of charge on request. Tap water is of excellent quality and is constantly monitored by us. No hygiene test or other certification is required to be a refill station.
Map of the refill stations in Kevelaer