A glass is filled with drinking water

Water saving tips

The average German citizen consumes 127 liters of drinking water per day

A few simple water-saving tips can save many liters.

The best tips for saving water:

  • Take a short shower instead of bathing in the bathtub
  • turn off the tap when washing in the shower and brushing your teeth (leaving the tap running for 3 minutes wastes about 30 liters of water)
  • Flushers in the toilet can reduce water consumption by up to 18 liters per person per day
  • Do not wash dishes under running water
  • Install/attach water-saving devices such as flow restrictors and water-saving jets/showers
  • Using water from a rain barrel for watering the garden
  • Have dripping taps repaired

Simply incorporate our tips into your everyday life.

Saving drinking water not only reduces drinking water costs. On the one hand, you save energy costs (gas/electricity) for the heating system that heats the water, and on the other hand, you also pay waste water charges for every liter of drinking water.

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