Stadtverwaltungsgebäude der Stadtkevelaer

City center renewal

Construction work on Peter-Plümpe-Platz is progressing

Multifunctional area

Work on the multifunctional area towards the market square will be extended in the coming weeks: From Monday, June 24, the construction site will be enlarged. Of the current ten rows of parking spaces on Peter-Plümpe-Platz, four rows in the direction of the Volksbank will remain, while the remaining parking spaces will be removed. In future, the multifunctional area will continue to serve as a parking lot, but will also be used for larger events such as the Kevelaerer Kirmes.

Green Forum

The Green Forum is slowly taking shape: Large concrete blocks surround a (still) sandy area, which will be filled with new soil in the next few days. In future, a large lawn area with trees and seating will be created here. The Green Forum is about half a meter higher than the rest of the square and therefore stands out. Automatic irrigation was installed as part of the new construction.

Citizens' square

The citizens' square with fountain field adjoins the Green Forum in the direction of Annastrasse. The technology for the water feature and for watering the Green Forum was installed in an underground fountain chamber. The paving of the Bürgerplatz has already begun. "As soon as the paving work has been completed, the weekly market will take place here. That will probably be in six weeks' time," explains Norbert de Ryck, Head of Civil Engineering at Stadtwerke. There is also space for outdoor catering and play areas.


The play equipment is already in place in front of the Sparkasse: a climbing tower with a slide and climbing cubes for the older children. The ground beneath the play equipment is made of a rubber-like granulate. This surface can withstand demanding conditions, is soft and easy to clean.

The trees in front of the Sparkasse bank and the Vrede fashion store have been preserved. However, the two lime trees directly adjacent to the underground parking garage will have to be removed. Their stability is no longer guaranteed. This was also confirmed by an expert opinion. The trees will be removed by the construction company over the next four weeks.

Bürgerboulevard & Annastrasse

The so-called Bürgerboulevard runs along the town hall. It connects the various elements of the square from Marktstrasse to Annastrasse. Annastrasse is almost completely paved. However, due to the current high groundwater level, the sewer work on the last section up to Busmanstrasse has been delayed.

The area behind the town hall has been paved. Here you can already see how the different colors of the paving stones mark the parking areas.

Wedding garden

A wedding garden for newlyweds will soon be created in front of the old town hall. For this reason, Busmanstrasse will be moved slightly so that bridal couples will not be standing directly on the street when they come out of the town hall, but can be greeted by their loved ones in the wedding garden.


It is not only the weather that is currently posing a challenge for the work on Peter-Plümpe-Platz, delivery problems with various materials are also causing delays in some cases. For example, the current lighting will remain in place until the new lights are delivered.

In addition, the construction work is always accompanied by an archaeologist, who is constantly making new discoveries of old walls. Each find is examined and documented before work can continue on the site.

The original plan was to carry out the work in different construction phases, but this could not be realized in practice. "We are working across different sections in many places, as otherwise construction would come to a standstill," explains Norbert de Ryck.

The new Peter-Plümpe-Platz is due to be completed next year. Construction work on Marktstrasse will begin after Peter-Plümpe-Platz.

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