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Franz-Terhoeven-Straße in Wetten
will be closed

Stadtwerke Kevelaer would like to point out that the combined sewers and drinking water pipes on Franz-Terhoeven-Straße in Wetten are being renewed. The house connections will also be renewed up to the respective property boundaries. The work will be divided into two construction phases. From Monday, March 11, the construction site will be set up in the first section in the area between the corner of Pastoratsweg and the Franz-Terhoeven-Straße cul-de-sac, at house no. 12. The second construction phase will then extend from here to Veerter Straße.

As part of the construction work, the respective road sections will unfortunately have to be closed to traffic. Stadtwerke Kevelaer asks residents and road users for their understanding for the resulting inconvenience.

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