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Refreshment at the touch of a button at
Kapellenplatz and in the brine garden

A quick press of a button is all it takes for the good Kevelaer drinking water to flow free of charge into the bottle you have brought with you or you can drink it directly. Thanks to the employees of Stadtwerke Kevelaer, passers-by can now enjoy a refreshing drink from the drinking water dispensers on Kapellenplatz and in the St. Jakob brine garden without any worries. Before being put back into operation, all pipes and the fountain itself were rinsed and disinfected and the water quality was ensured by bacteriological testing.

Easy to operate

The attractive granite fountains with stainless steel elements are designed to be barrier-free. With a tap height of around one meter, they are also easy for children to reach. Operation is "child's play": the dispenser can be activated using a button on the back. "Then about half a liter of water gushes out of the tap. This keeps water consumption low, as the water only flows when needed. Operation is based on modern, economical technology. Automatic flushing is carried out to ensure the best water quality at all times," explains Anna-Christina Walter, head of the technical department at Stadtwerke Kevelaer. In the winter months, the company turns off the water supply to prevent the pipes of the drinking water dispensers from suffering frost damage and maintains the drinking fountains.

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