Have you already received your annual bill for water and wastewater? You may have noticed the new layout. We have adapted the annual invoices from Stadtwerke Kevelaer to the format of the NiersEnergie invoices. Both invoices are now in portrait format and - we hope - even easier for you to understand. We would be happy to explain the new structure to you using a sample invoice.

Point 1:
On the first page, in the first box under consumption type, you can see the amount you have to pay for your consumption in the past year. In our example, Mr. Mustermann has to pay 805.51 euros for 2024.
Point 2:
We deduct the payments on account made last year from this amount - for Max Mustermann this is EUR 1,008.00.
Point 3:
This results in the difference in the invoice amount. If there is a minus sign in front of the amount, this is a credit balance. Mr. Mustermann therefore has a credit balance of 202.49 euros.
Point 4:
If there are still outstanding receivables, credit balances or reminder fees from 2024, these are listed after the difference in the invoice amount.
The credit balance of our example customer is offset against the first instalment for 2025 in the amount of EUR 233.00. This results in a payment amount of 30.51 euros, which is to be paid on February 17, 2025 (due date). We post the amount to Mr. Mustermann's account on the due date, as he has given us a direct debit mandate.
Point 5:
At the top of the second page, you can see your water and waste water consumption for the past year in direct comparison to the previous year.

Item 6:
Directly below you will find the installment payments for the current year as well as the other due dates after February 15: May 15, August 15 and November 15, 2025.
Item 7:
In the water block, the costs for water consumption are broken down in detail. In addition to the meter number, two periods for 2024 may be specified here. This depends on when you provided us with the meter reading. The first period ends with your entry. For the second period - in our example from December 18 to 31 - we have used the meter reading you provided as the final reading.
Point 8:
The same applies to the waste water block. If you have reported a garden meter to us, the consumption measured there will be displayed and deducted from the waste water consumption.
If you have any further questions, our team in the Service and Transport department will be happy to help. You can reach us by telephone on 9313-0 or by e-mail at vertrieb@stadtwerke-kevelaer.de.
Alternatively, you can also visit us in person at the water tower.
Our service hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 12:30
Monday to Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00
Please note that we are expecting an increased volume of customer inquiries in the coming days. This may therefore result in longer processing times. We ask for your understanding and assure you that we will process your request as quickly as possible.