Administration building of Stadtwerke Kevelaer


Company statutes

The tasks of Stadtwerke Kevelaer were defined in the company statutes.

These are the operating statutes for Stadtwerke Kevelaer for water supply and local public transport.

Furthermore, articles of incorporation were issued for Technischen Betriebe Kevelaer.

Water supply statutes

The municipal utilities operate the water supply as a public facility to supply the properties in their area with drinking and service water. The type and scope of the water supply facilities are determined by the city.

Contribution and fee statutes to the water supply statutes

The statutes regulate the connection fees and user charges for the water supply.

Wastewater disposal statutes

The wastewater disposal obligation of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer includes, among other things, the collection, transportation, treatment, discharge, infiltration, sprinkling and irrigation of wastewater in the urban area.

Statutes on the disposal of land drainage systems

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer operates the disposal of property drainage systems in its area as a public facility. Property drainage systems within the meaning of these statutes are

  • drainless pits
  • Small sewage treatment plants

for domestic wastewater.

Contribution and fee statutes to the wastewater disposal statutes

The statutes regulate the connection fees and user charges for wastewater disposal.

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